The 5 key strategic relationships that determine our success.

The 5 key strategic relationships that determine our success.

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”?

While this quote is often attributed to motivational speaker Jim Rohn, I believe he only got it half right. To paint a more accurate picture, I believe it’s the people you have in the five key strategic relationships of your life that truly determines your level of success.

Have you ever met people who have come from traumatic childhoods, surrounded by those with limiting beliefs, or have come from an environment of negativity yet have risen above the norm to reach success in their lives? Countless celebrities, business people, and sportspeople have recounted their stories of coming from tragic backgrounds or talk of being surrounded by naysayers and have still reached the dizzying heights of fame and success!

One thing I have noticed, however, is that when these successful individuals are celebrated for their accomplishments, they often credit the key people in their lives who played important roles. These individuals are usually credited as guiding lights, cheerleaders, and people who had faith in them even when they didn’t believe in themselves. Or those who gave them strategic advice or coaching that helped propel them to success or put them on the right path.

I would, therefore, like to propose a twist to Jim Rohn’s quote that it’s the influential people in the five key relationships of your life that make all the difference. So what are these five key relationships or roles? Let’s delve into these below.

1. The Bestie

The Bestie is more than just a friend; they are your confidant, your support system, and the person who knows your story inside and out. This relationship is built on trust and mutual respect. They are the person who will champion your name in a room full of opportunities yet keep you grounded and accountable to your goals and values. Having a Bestie in your corner ensures that you not only have someone to share your successes with but also someone who will push you to be the best version of yourself. They act similarly to the next role we are to explore, the cheerleader, but they also keep you grounded, but not in a negative or oppressive way.

2. The Cheerleader

Every person needs a Cheerleader—their personal ‘hype woman’, as coined by Erin Gallagher, Founder of Ella and the ‘Hype Woman’ movement. This person lights up at your achievements and supports you unconditionally. The Cheerleader lifts you when you’re down and believes in you sometimes more than you may believe in yourself. Their unwavering enthusiasm and encouragement are infectious, pushing you to strive for excellence and celebrate every victory, big or small.

3. The Coach

The Coach plays a pivotal role in your professional development or in helping you achieve a higher level in a particular aspect of your life. This individual possesses experience or expertise in a specific area you want to grow in or improve. They provide practical advice, tasks, and actionable strategies to help you elevate your skills and achieve your objectives. As your goals evolve, so too might your Coach, but their purpose—to guide your development—remains constant.

4. The Strategic Advisor

Similar to a Coach but broader in scope, the Strategic Advisor is someone you respect deeply, trust for advice, and consult with when making significant decisions. This person has a wealth of experience, integrity, and insight in areas crucial to your success. The Strategic Advisor is more often someone you would go to when seeking guidance on certain decisions or to be a sounding board rather than to receive step-by-step instruction. They help you see the bigger picture, talk through the issue at hand and help guide you towards the path/decisions that will help you reach your goals. In the workplace, the person in this role can often act as an executive sponsor.

5. The Positive Provocateur

Last but by no means least, the Positive Provocateur is the one who challenges your thinking, pushes you outside your comfort zone, and gets you to see a different perspective. Sometimes that may be done by simply asking you key questions, not necessarily by providing you with their perspective.

Unlike the other strategic relationships, their role isn’t to agree with you but to provoke thought, encourage different perspectives, and help you grow by considering options and ideas you may not have otherwise. Dialogues with a Positive Provocateur are often eye-opening and transformative, fostering a deeper understanding of situations, options or approaches, or even of yourself.

The Collective HubWhy Each Relationship Matters

While having one or two of these relationships in your life is great, each of these relationships contributes to your overall support system in unique yet complementary ways – supporting you, challenging your perspectives, and ultimately propelling you toward your goals. This is why it’s important to cultivate each of these key 5 relationships.

But let’s not stop there

While it’s essential to cultivate these relationships in our own lives, remember that it’s just as vital to play one of these key roles in someone else’s life.

Networking and mentorship are two-way streets, so as you think about the Bestie, Cheerleader, Coach, Strategic Advisor, and Positive Provocateurs, in your life, consider how you, too, can embody these roles for others.

Final Thought

Success in business—and life—is rarely a solo endeavour. So I ask you, who occupies the key roles in your life? Do these individuals contribute to your sense of self and align with, as well as support, your goals and aspirations?

Wishing you much success,

Your Seat at the Table